Electric Calendar Rimming Machine
A most useful and suitable machine for every kind of CALENDAR SLIDE PRESSING Electric Calendar Rimming Machine OR Calendar Tinning machine Power Operated
OR Tin Mounting Machine Or Calendar Slde Fixing Machine Or Calendar Edge Mounting Machine.
The machine is Semi automatic fitted with single stroke self dis engagement clutch and motor. Calendar papers are inserted in to Slides.
The papers in rim of tin patti(Slides) are to be kept in machine & by pressing clutch paddle of the machine the upper pressing plate makes a press stroke and simultaneously a knife from top will prepare second fold & immediately from side pressure beam will press the slide(Rim).
The whole process is completed in a fraction of a second & the machine will stop automatically.
Sizes available 24″, 30″ & 36″
Electric Calendar Rimming Machine, Calendar Edger, Metal clipping machine,
calendar tin mounting machine for Calendar, a specialized machine to assemble wall hanging calendars. Advance in design and very compact in structure,easy to operate,efficient in production and excellent in quality.
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